Friday, August 27, 2010

This one is pretty disgusting.


Sparky said...

This is cool. It looks like something you would see on a Magic: The Gathering card.

Kyra Jones said...

Wow, your work is beautiful! I'm really glad I came across your blog. Definitely going to keep an eye on you. (in a totally non-creepy way)

ddd said...

Wow Chad, awesome work! You are going to be the new Craig Mullins! Like Kyra says, non creepy checking out will be happening ;)

Lionel Cornelius Jr said...

disgusting is cool!

Grace Liu said...

Wow man, awesome work! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I really love your painterly style. Looking forward to seeing more.

Stan said...

eeeew- and I thought walking by the Manhole Club at 4am on North Broadway was scary!